Define content marketing – without getting lost in the jargon

Define content marketing – without getting lost in the jargon

Written by

Tony Hallett


Here’s a slide I used in a presentation just over a year ago (at an Association of Online Publishers (AOP) event in February 2011).

I got to thinking about how often we refer to content marketing – and how many interchangeable or related terms there are. I also wondered if much had changed in the past 12 months.

Since setting up Collective Content I’ve worked with people in the world of customer publishing, which is frankly a much larger universe than I previously imagined. Plus one.

Then there are plenty of companies – including some famous examples such as Boeing – engaged in branded content. Plus two.

On our travels we’ve also encountered private media, member media – and I’d probably change above’s ‘commercialised content’ (isn’t it all ultimately commercialised, with the exception of public broadcasters?) to commercial content.

Plus three, four and five.

You get the idea. Lots of terms, all in the same ball park. Though certainly not all the same.

Over coming weeks we’ll be doing more to help define this space.

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