Beautiful tag clouds – Wordle to your mother

Beautiful tag clouds – Wordle to your mother





Beautiful tag clouds – Wordle to your mother


Tony Hallett
Managing director

Tony set up Collective Content in 2011 so brands can more easily become publishers and tell stories. This built on 15 years in media, from reporter to publishing director at Silicon Media Group, CNET Networks and CBS Interactive.

We’ve been messing around with Wordle. It’s not new but, if you use tag clouds (as a publisher or reader) and like great design, we think you’ll like it.

Below are a few examples. We’ve used all the words from since we launched at the start of the year, then the words in e-book Everything In Moderation: How to chair, moderate or otherwise lead events, from Collective Content (UK) director Tony Hallett.

Wordle was written by IBMer Jonathan Feinberg and is simple as can be.

You can choose colour schemes, fonts and styles (eg rounder edges or a squarer design). Though clearly we like some style more than others.

Bottom line: A great way to summarise long or shot documents or even entire websites. Use it.

That was using font Coolvetica and colour scheme Firenze. We must say, Collectivist #4, Matt, is surprisingly prominent. The next one uses the same font but Yarim colours…

Now onto the e-book, where key words such as ‘audience’, ‘panel’ and ‘event’ catch the eye.

And finally, with the same subject matter, a bit of black and white…

Don’t like our us, us, us examples? Here’s one of our favourite Wordles from one of the world’s most famous short documents.

Follow us on Twitter – @ColContent
Need to know about events? Buy the e-book, Everything In Moderation: How to chair, moderate and otherwise lead events, by Collective Content (UK) founder Tony Hallett from
