OK, it’s not perfect. And OK, it might not be our favourite all the time.
But this chart tends to get used by us again and again. We don’t care that it is a variation on many a marketing slide or that it promotes Eloqua/Oracle – credit where credit is due.
What’s most important about this chart is that it clearly shows the role of different types of content through the stages of Awareness, Consideration and Close.
That helps us with clients because we can clearly say where can and – just as importantly – can’t help them. (Don’t tell me you’ve never had a client who thought you can do everything.)
We rarely help with viral videos (at the top left) for when people are ‘bored at work’, to use the chart’s language, though we could.
And we definitely don’t help with pricing guides (bottom right). Any brand is best-placed to do that themselves.
But for many of the areas inbetween, it’s worth sounding us out.