We have been watching with amazement the speed at which generative AI has developed and affected so many areas of our lives and our work. While AI has enormous potential…
Read MoreSince the beginning of Collective Content, we’ve always been concerned about authenticity. Even if what worries us hasn’t always been called ‘authenticity’ – because, let’s face it, that word isn’t…
Read MoreI was looking at a photo of a local park the other day – actually from a Twitter feed for that particular place – and was struck by how great…
Read MoreHave you heard about authenticity in your content? It’s been a big theme for a while. But recently at an event I heard Alex Jones from Fjord Trends (part of…
Read MoreAre there alternatives to using bad stock images with your content or is “bad” just a matter of taste? What do you think? To expand, do many—most?—organisations fall back on…
Read MoreGhostwriting has had a resurgence in the age of social media and blogging. Big company executives, aware of staying authentic to who they are and what their companies do, are…
Read MoreThis is a big question. It’s big because if a company – just like a traditional media title – loses its credibility, then it will fail. One way to lose…
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