space communication

A screen view from OnSight, the 2018 award-winning software developed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in collaboration with Microsoft. OnSight uses real rover data to create a 3D simulation of the Martian environment where mission scientists can "meet" to discuss rover ope... Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Essential VR/AR/XR insights from Q4 2022

By Zoe McNeill 01/23/2023

1. World-class experience At the FIFA World Cup in Qatar, in-person attendees were able to use an AR companion application on smartphones for real-time statistics viewing during games. 2. A…

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Written By Zoe McNeill23/01/2023
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Tech Quarterly

Our quarterly summary of top research, market stats, new developments and predictions in five key technology topics of importance to our readers and clients: artificial intelligence, automation, CIOs, Internet of Things and virtual reality/augmented reality/extended reality (VR/AR/XR).

If a major analyst report, survey or forecast has been published on any of these topics in the preceding three months, you’ll find out about it in Tech Quarterly.
