This isn’t the exact same take we’ve provided but Barry is always good and this piece has a lot to ponder on when to be overtly commercial in your writing.
Of course, you might hear people say there is no such thing as ‘boring content’ but this piece from eConsultancy is packed full of useful tips.
This is one of those subjects we hope we’ll hear a lot more about in 2018. Well, we can always hope.
We hear a lot about how IoT, or the blockchain or a handful of other technologies will change our worlds. But this piece made us think about some opportunities.
What better place for storytelling than start-ups? You’d think all founders should know this but it often gets short shrift – or ignored altogether.
We’re always working on a content audit for one brand or another. We know our way around the discipline but here’s a nice concise pointer from the guys at Contently.
And to follow up that last link, here Tony explains who will consume the output of any content audit. Always have this in mind if you’re tasked with an audit.
Curation is important for most brands marketing with content today. But we can’t say how often we have to explain its advantages.
Closely linked to how brands are doing content marketing is how they’re engaging established media owners for native advertising. Here’s a show and tell showing how important native has become to CNN.
And beyond CNN, who’s doing native and brand content more generally at the major media companies? We did a bit of a ring around, a while back.
Much like ethics, which differ for brand content and journalism, people don’t discuss metrics nearly enough. Here’s a starter for 10. (Sorry, 11.)
And why 11 links? Just like the amp in This Is Spinal Tap, this one goes to 11, 11, 11… well, it’s one louder.