11 best content marketing links (Q2 15)

11 best content marketing links (Q2 15)

Written by

Tony Hallett


  1. How PR is seizing the advantage in content marketing (The Drum) We have been making a lot of noise recently about how PR agencies can seize the content marketing opportunity – and it’s good to see we’re not the only ones.
  1. Studies Show CMOs Are Shifting Focus to Owned Properties [link no longer available] (Livefyre Blog) This isn’t just about the rising might of Facebook. It makes sense for brands to have control. CMOs are getting that.Links and chains
  1. How to Build a Knowledge Bank to Fuel Your Content Marketing Strategy (The CMI) We talk a lot with clients about getting the most out of the content they’ve have spent lots of time and money crafting. Here’s one approach.
  1. Ad blocking – scaring the hell out of some in media and marketing (LinkedIn) You might say we have a vested interest in traditional online advertising failing. But there’s a right time and place for ads and if they’re not done well, well people will block you.
  1. What is stock and flow content and how should you use it? (Econsultancy) This relates to our last pick. As a serious content producer you need to be in the mix with topical, reactive content but also catering to long-term needs with evergreen assets. Voila: stock and flow.
  1. Ten reasons why brands should be investing more in content marketing this year (The Drum) OK, so this isn’t strictly from Q2 but it’s a convincing list.
  1. The real history of content marketing (Todaymade) This is even further out of Q2 but hey, that’s when we found this timeless classic, as we were researching content marketing down the years.
  1. 5 things brands need to know about messaging apps (Digiday) Messaging apps are big and only getting bigger. How will the likes of Whatsapp, Snapchat, Line and others from around the world work in your digital marketing mix?
  1. GE Turns to Quartz to Produce and House a Digital-Content Hub (AdAge) Several years ago we spoke about publishers not just helping brand create content for those publishers’ pages but also to be used elsewhere. Well now it’s happening – and we’re doing the I-told-you-so dance.
  1. One dollar lesson (Kaspersky) Is this the most high-production infographic ever? Or would you call it something else?
  1. 89 Per cent Of Companies Using Content Marketing Say It Works [Survey] (Marketingland) And finally, we couldn’t leave without some data. What’s nice about this piece of research is that it’s a rare example of looking at the difficulty and effectiveness of different content types. Any hands-on content marketer is well aware of this trade-off and will be able to share war stories about the smart and dumb decisions brands have made.

We think this list needs little introduction – so we’ve written this at the end. It comprises just the links that have stayed with us from the past three months and a short description from us.
Why 11? I was born on the eleventh.
*photo credit: Chains via photopin (license)

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